User Dashboard

Welcome to the NEW Alumni Association website!

We suggest starting with the following to-do list to become more well-acquainted with our new site. Use the tabs on the right to read more about how to complete the task. If the task does not apply to you, simply move on to the next one. Return to this page by clicking on the USER DASHBOARD icon in the SIDE NAVIGATION menu on the left hand side of the screen.

1 Explore
2 Profile
3 Regional Group
4 Volunteer
5 Business Directory
6 Alumni Calendar
7 Alumni Council


Take a look around! You can find everything on this site in one of three menus:

  • Side Navigation - icons stacked on the left of the screen provide shortcuts to commonly used areas of the social platform like Groups, Connections, and Timeline. You can also invite others to join the site using Email Invites.
  • User Menu - found at the top right of the screen, here you can change account settings, navigate to your inbox, fill out your profile, or change notification settings.
  • Main Menu - Community and Support menus house the majority of content that is not part of the social platform. Here you can find everything from the Calendar to Alumni Spotlights to outlines of various Volunteer Programs.


Click on the COMPLETE PROFILE button under the completion gauge above. You may also find the PROFILE link  in the User Menu on the top right (hint: it has your username and a small down arrow).

Here you can fill out your profile with information that will help connect you to other alumni with common interests.

The more complete your profile is, the better your experience will be with this site!

Regional Group

Regional Group

One of the initiatives for Alumni Council this year is to build out the Regional Chapters to offer fuller representation and regional engagement across the country. If you are near one of our already formed chapters, please request to join the social group so you receive notifications about events near you.

We will be calling for folks to volunteer as Chapter Chairs in the near future (and as a sustained campaign), so if you're interested in forming a regional chapter, please reach out to any member of Alumni Council.



In the SUPPORT tab of the Main Menu, you will find the Volunteer Programs section with a Volunteer Opportunities tab.

This is where we will post opportunities for short and long-term volunteerism. There is also a form where you can submit your interest in volunteering and tell us about your skills/interests so we can align our projects with your abilities.

Business Directory

Alumni-owned Business Directory

Aside from a social platform for alumni to connect and share, the most popular request from alumni at the past few Alumni Weekends has been a directory of alumni-owned businesses. Goddard alumni are doing some amazing things in the world and we want to support each other.

If you have an alumni-owned business and would like to be a part of this directory, please submit the form found under the SUPPORT menu. As we build this directory, the listing is free for all alumni.

Alumni Calendar

Alumni Calendar

Another popular request from alumni has been a place where events can be shared. Our new Alumni Calendar, found under the COMMUNITY menu allows site members to submit events for the alumni calendar. Be sure to login first, then visit the Calendar page and click on the SUBMIT YOUR EVENT button to create a calendar entry.

This will also be a place where you can find regional events as those groups expand.

Alumni Council

Alumni Council

The Alumni Council serves as the governing and advocacy body of the Alumni Association. Please visit the VALUES, HISTORY, and BYLAWS sections under the COMMUNITY menu to learn more about who we are and what we've been working on. Please also feel free to connect with us in the social platform!

Latest from the community